
With the WooCommerce plugin it is possible to make all parcel shipping options that are activated within your Boekuwzending.com account available to the webshop visitor.

In order to activate shipping methods and the rates you need to contact us, in the future we will release a special Merchant Portal where you can add/edit the rates yourself.


This manual describes the possibilities of the Boekuwzending for WooCommerce plugin and how you can install the plugin in your WooCommerce webshop. We recommend that you always perform the installation on a test environment first. The installation of the plugin can be done in two ways:

From the WordPress plugin directory

To install the plugin from the WordPress plugin directory, follow the steps below:

  1. In WordPress, go to the Plugins > Add New menu.
  2. Type "Boekuwzending" in the search bar and press Enter.
  3. Choose the plugin Boekuwzending for WooCommerce and click Install Now. The plugin will now be downloaded and installed.
  4. When the download is complete, click Activate.

Manually Upload the plugin

  1. Download the zip file of the plugin from the WordPress website
  2. In WordPress, go to the Plugins > Add New menu.
  3. Click Upload Plugin at the top of the screen.
  4. Choose the file you (just) downloaded and click Install Now.
  5. When the installation is complete, click Activate.


In WordPress go to WooCommerce > Settings > Boekuwzending to configure the plugin.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Settings

It is possible to walkthrough an automatic linking process for your WooCommerce webshop and mijn.boekuwzending.com account. In order to start the process click on the link highlighted in the following image.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Link your account

After clicking on the link you will be redirected to mijn.boekuwzending.com, where you will be asked to login into your account and set-up the WooCommerce integration.

This notice will only disappear after the live credentials are provided.

Enter credentials manually

It is also possible to connect your account manually, by entering the credentials in the input field and manually activating the WooCommerce integration in mijn.boekuwzending.com.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Credentials

Connected to mijn.boekuwzending.com

You are successfully connected (live or test) when you see the following notice:

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Credentials


It is possible to test the plugin and your settings with the live credentials, labels that are not scanned will not be billed. If for some reason you would like to test the plugin in a separate test environment please contact us and we will look into the possibilities.

If you received test credentials you can activate the test mode by ticking "Enable test mode" and entering your test credentials.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Test credentials
When the test mode is active all shipments will be created in the staging environment and will therefore receive test labels.


During integration (or when something is not working as expected) we recommend enabling the 'Debug Log'.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Debug log

Once enabled the debug log can be found by clicking on View logs or through the menu WooCommerce > Status > Logs and selecting the most recent 'boekuwzending-for-woocommerce-yyyy-mm-dd-HH-ii' entry from the dropdown and clicking on View

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Debug log manual

Shipping methods

With the plugin it is possible to enable two types of sending methods:

  1. Home / office delivery
  2. Delivery to a pick up point

WooCommerce has the option to create shipping zones and activate one or more shipping methods for these zones. More information about shipping zones within WooCommerce can be found here.

In this manual we assume that you have already set up one or more shipping zones.

Adding Delivery to a Shipping Zone

Follow the steps in order to add the delivery method to a shipping zone.

In WordPress, go to the WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping menu.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Shipping Settings - 1

Click on the name of one of the zones.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Shipping Settings - 2

Clicking on Add shipping method will give you the option to add a new method.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Shipping Settings - 3

Select "Boekuwzending - Delivery" and click on Add shipping method.

Configuring the Delivery settings

From the shipping zone edit page you can configure the specific settings for the "Boekuwzending - Delivery" method.

Hover the "Boekuwzending - Delivery" method and click on Edit.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Shipping Settings - 4

The following screen will be displayed.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Shipping Settings - 5


Is not going to be showed to the customer because the plugin will show the names of specific shipping methods retrieved from the Boekuwzending API. You can edit the title for own references, but other than that it has no effect on what your customer will see during the checkout.

Tax Status

Indicate here whether VAT should be charged on the shipping methods.

Fallback Cost

If, for whatever reason, there is no connection with the Boekuwzending API to retrieve current rates, this price will be used.

When done click on Save Changes.

Adding Pick Up Point to a Shipping Zone

Follow the steps in order to add the pick up method to a shipping zone.

In WordPress, go to the WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping menu.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Shipping Settings - 5

Click on the name of one of the zones.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Shipping Settings - 6

Clicking on Add shipping method will give you the option to add a new method.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Shipping Settings - 7

Select "Boekuwzending - Pick Up Point" and click on Add shipping method.

Configuring the Pick Up Point settings

From the shipping zone edit page you can configure the specific settings for the "Boekuwzending - Pick Up Point" method.

Hover the "Boekuwzending - Pick Up Point" method and click on Edit.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Shipping Settings - 8

The following screen will be displayed.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Shipping Settings - 5


Is not going to be showed to the customer because the plugin will show the names of specific shipping methods retrieved from the Boekuwzending API. You can edit the title for own references, but other than that it has no effect on what your customer will see during the checkout.

Tax Status

Indicate here whether VAT should be charged on the shipping methods.

When done click on Save Changes.


After installing, configuring the plugin and setting up the shipping methods, the Boekuwzending.com functionality will now be available in the order overview and order details.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Order Overview

If you do not see the buttons of Boekuwzending.com, you can click on "Screen settings" in the top right corner and tick the "Actions" checkbox. If the screen settings have been adjusted, you will see the column with action buttons in the order overview.

Create a label for an order

Due to the fact the customer already chose the preferred shipping method during the checkout it is very easy to create a label for an order. You can create a label in the following two ways:

From the order overview, by clicking on the button with the "Truck icon"

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Order Overview - 1

Or, by opening the order details and click on the button Create Shipment.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Order Details - 1

After clicking the button, the Boekuwzending metabox will show a loader icon while creating the shipment in your mijn.boekuwzending.com environment.

When the shipment is created, the metabox will show all available labels, their track and trace code and the most recent status.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Order Details - 2

Error Logging

All communication regarding shipment information will be added to the order notes prefixed with "Boekuwzending - ". When an error occurs while trying to sync an order, it'll also add an order not explaining what went wrong, along with logging an error in the debug log (when enabled).

Since version 2 of the plugin, a synchronization error will also result in an email being sent to the site admin, so they can investigate. This is opt-out, you can disable it in the plugin settings.

Create an additional label for an order

If the situation rises that you need an additional label in order to send the goods that were ordered, you can create one in the following two ways:

From the order overview, by clicking on the button with the "Label icon"

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Order Overview - 2

Or, by opening the order details and click on the button Create additional label.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Order Details - 3

After clicking the button, the Boekuwzending metabox will show a loader icon while creating the additional label in your mijn.boekuwzending.com environment.

When the additional label is created, the metabox will show the new label, their track and trace code and the most recent status.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Order Details - 4

Downloading labels

There are two ways to download the created labels:

  1. From the order overview by clicking on the track and trace code in the Boekuwzending column.
  2. From the order details by clicking on the download label link in the Boekuwzending metabox.

Label Status Updates

Starting from version 2.0.4 of the plugin, the platform sends webhooks to your WooCommerce plugin, so it can mark orders as completed once a label has been created.

You can disable changing the order status by unchecking the checkbox, or change the status the order is moved to by changing the dropdown shown below:

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Webhook Settings

Manually Retrieving Statuses

There are two ways to retrieve the status for the created labels:

  1. From the order overview using the button with the "Refresh icon".
  2. From the order details using the button with the "Refresh icon" in the Boekuwzending metabox.


As mentioned before the customer can choose one of the available shipping options during the checkout, the available options will be displayed following the standard lay-out which is present in the active WordPress theme.

Below you can see what the checkout looks like in a standard WooCommerce environment with the Storefront theme. If all address details are entered correctly, the options will become visible. Not all delivery options are available for all addresses and/or cart contents, this highly depends on the settings in the Boekuwzending Matrix.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Checkout - 1

Only available pick up locations are shown. It is possible that a location unavailable due to crowds, so it will not be shown in the checkout.

Boekuwzending for WooCommerce: Checkout - 2

Customizing the plugin

The plugin provides some filters to give developers the possibility to change the way certain parts of the plugin look or return data.

Customizing the pick-up point information in the order overview

add_filter('boekuwzending_template_order_overview_pick_up_point', function($templatePath) {
  ...add custom logic here

Customizing the shipping method information in the order details

add_filter('boekuwzending_template_information_before_order_itemmeta', function($templatePath) {
  ...add custom logic here

Customizing the pick-up point information during checkout

add_filter('boekuwzending_template_checkout_pick_up_point_information', function($templatePath) {
  ...add custom logic here

Customizing the pick-up point trigger

add_filter('boekuwzending_template_checkout_pick_up_point_trigger', function($templatePath) {
  ...add custom logic here

Change output for address line parsing

add_filter('boekuwzending_parse_address_lines', function($parsedAddress, $address) {
  ...add custom logic here
}, 10, 3);

Change the output for the order being posted to the Boekuwzending.com API

Only gets called when the plugin is set in "Sync orders" mode.
add_filter('boekuwzending_create_order', function($order, $wcOrder) {
  ...add custom logic here
}, 10, 3);

Change the output for the shipment being posted to the Boekuwzending.com API

Only gets called when the plugin is set in "Enable Matrices" mode.
add_filter('boekuwzending_create_shipment', function($shipment, $order) {
  ...add custom logic here
}, 10, 3);